A Letter to Hazel, from Daddy— Two Years

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
‭‭Zephaniah‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Sweetheart this verse is what I began to pray over you most nights when mommy and I are putting you to sleep. This verse has become more precious to me since you were born, actually since you turned 1 year old.

You see, this last year has taught me so much about my own weaknesses and limitations, and I am so glad that you have another father… your Heavenly Father! A Heavenly Father who is near… with us in fact! He lives with us because He created us and He is a mighty savior. How awesome is it that a mighty savior lives with us?! I am so thankful that I can keep you safe, as you explore, climb, and test your bravery, but your Heavenly Father can save you from far more.

I love the way you run across the floor: you are partly trying to go fast, partly trying to make noise, and partly dancing with joy!!! I delight in you and I love when you are delighting in this world God has made. I am so glad God delights in you, and it brings Him gladness. It is not only mommy, God, and me that you bring delight and gladness to. Your little brother Theodore absolutely loves you and you have made him laugh harder than anyone. There are people all over the world that watch the videos and pictures mommy posts of you and have shared how much joy you bring them. You brighten our family and we love you so much (Ugga-mugga)!!!

This year you have learned about many new things, and sometimes these new things have scared you or made you nervous: our neighbors robot lawn mower, booms (thunder), fireworks, etc. Through all of these new and intimidating experiences you have learned: daddy is with me and God is with me. I am so glad that God is with you and that His love for you can calm all fears!

At the end of this second year of life you have really begun to sing. I can’t take credit, God made you like singing and to pick up on so many songs. I still can’t believe that you sing Holy, Holy, Holy!! I love how when you sing Jesus Loves Me, you say, “little ones to Him belong, they are weak, but He be strong”. And the way you sing Jesus loves the little children and you emphatically say: “red, black, white they are precious in my sight”, while pointing and thumping your chest 🙂 And that your favorite song for us all to sing along to is Do, Re, Mi. Again, how did you pick up that song? I love it!!! It is from one of my favorite movies and I love singing it with you.

We are celebrating your birthday in West Chicago this year with Papa and Mimi, your Uncles and Aunt, and your cousins. You remembered their house and couldn’t wait to take the short walk to the prairie path and sing inside the tunnel that goes under North Ave. I see so much of your Heavenly Father in you. You love singing and so does He, because He rejoices over us with joyful singing!!! He sings over you Hazel 🙂

My beautiful little girl, my prayer for you this year is that you would continue to grow above and beyond my control, ability, and dreams. That you grow more like the person of your Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ. That you delight in everything they have made in this world, and have made you to be, and that you reverberate the gladness of God’s heart towards you. We pray and seek to guard your heart, because from it comes the wellsprings of life! I pray that you know how much God loves you and that you experience His love and mighty saving power in your life and it leads you to put your childlike love, faith and full trust in Him for your whole life! I pray that you hear and understand the songs the Father sings over you and it brings you fullness of joy, which is not reliant on anything or anyone, even your mommy and I.

Hazel Jane Anderson, I love you so much and I am so proud of you. I am so thankful to God that He made us a family by creating you. I am so full of joy, love, and hope as we celebrate your second birthday today!!! Happy Birthday my beloved daughter! 🙂



3 thoughts on “A Letter to Hazel, from Daddy— Two Years

  1. This is beautiful and precious, just like you’re two-year-old who brings joy to many!!! It just lifts my heart and spirit to see pictures of her!!!



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